Here we publish some photos from our herb and vegetable plant garden.
This gallery shows seed leaves also known as first leaves or cotyledons for some of the popular herbs and vegetables we grow.
Here today, we will use the term cotyledons even though it is synonymous with first leaves and seed leaves.

What are cotyledons?
Cotyledons are the first leaves produced by the seed or embryo of the plant.
Since the cotyledons are a part of the seed, the leaves are often referred to as seed leaves.
The term first leaves separates these first seed leaves from the true leaves that will grow as the seedling develops.
Cotyledons are not always identical. But they often look similar. When the true leaves have formed we can identify the plant or herb we have planted.
What do cotyledons do?
The cotyledons supply the plant or organism with energy to allow the seed to germinate. And it is through the germination the seed turns into an organism sustained by photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis, as I am sure you already know, is the process whereby plants and other organisms convert light energy into the energy needed to fuel the growth of the plant or organism.
Do you know your leaves?
Feel free to guess and see how many of the photos below you can match with the list of herbs and vegetables.
The photos show the following herbs and vegetables (in no particular order):
- Cherry tomatoes
- Thai basil
- Basil (sweet or common basil)
- Cayenne peppers long slim chili
- Chervil
- Parsnip
- Chili (Pippuri)
- Thyme
- Cilantro (Coriander)
- Jalapeno peppers
- Corn salad
- New Zealand spinach
- Oregano
- Sage
- Pepper mint
- Rosemary
- Striped Stuffer Beefsteak tomato
- Habanero Orange pepper
- Bhut Jolokia Ghost pepper (extremely hot!)
- Wild strawberries
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