The month of June brought the heat for real, and many plants in pots and containers needed watering almost every day.
Eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes were bottom pruned, and I have kept the row coverings over carrots, herbs, kale, and most leafy greens.
It is still windier than I am used to at this time of year, and some plants have been given more stakes to stay firm in the wind.
Slugs, snails, leafhoppers, leaf miners, and aphids are still present, but the situation is under control.
I have a backlog of articles I need to finish this month. But that is inevitable as the plants have to develop for me to finish the article.
Articles in the pipeline include how to grow Black Prince tomatoes, F1 “Sungold” cherry tomatoes, F1 “Supersweet 100” cherry tomatoes, Black Cherry tomatoes, Basil “Palla Compatto,” and F1 “Estilo” sweet peppers. I have taken great photos along the way and look forward to completing the articles.
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Gardening photos July 2023
Gardening photo of the week: 31 July – 6 August 2023
Gardening photo of the week: 24 July – 30 July 2023

Gardening photo of the week: 17 July – 23 July 2023

Gardening photo of the week: 10 July – 16 July 2023

Gardening photo of the week: 3 July – 9 July 2023