It is inevitable. Plants do not last forever. But we do not necessarily have to throw away the entire plant. There are ways we can reuse or recycle potting soil, old pots, and other recyclable materials.
Recycling plant pots, potting soil, and biodegradable materials help us save money and the environment.
If plants die from pests or other diseases you should always throw away the entire plant and also consider disposing of the pots. These plants do not even go on the compost. It is not worth the risk. The plant pots can be reused only after being sterilized or cleaned using boiling water.
But most of the time, there is a tried and tested way to recycle the pot and plant, whether recycled at home for use in your garden or disposed of in a recycling bin.
And remember, recycling plant pots and soil will help the environment as well as save you money. After all, growing plants can get costly, and we should all try to work sustainably.
Why do we dispose of potted plants?
There are several reasons why we dispose of pots. But I would argue that there is almost always a way to recycle or reuse.
Disposing of annuals and perennials beyond the rescue
Sometimes, annuals and perennials alike come to the end of their lifespan. Leaves start to turn brown around the edges, and the plant looks limp. And as we have already stated, you should always throw the entire plant when pests or diseases are involved.
But most of the time, it is simply down to the plant reaching the end of its lifespan. This is especially true with annuals or herbs and vegetables that are grown as annuals, like basil, coriander (cilantro), peppers, and tomatoes.
Some plants die from overwatering, too much light, not enough light, lousy drainage, or a pot that does not offer the plant enough space to breathe and grow.
Pot plants need to be divided
Another reason we get rid of pot plants is when a plant grows too big and needs to be divided and repotted.
Consider growing more herbs from cuttings from large and healthy plants. Basil, sage, thyme, tarragon, lemongrass are only a few examples of herbs that propagate really well from cuttings.
This happens a lot in our garden when perennial herbs like rosemary, tarragon, thyme, and oregano get woody and stop producing the delicate leaves we want to harvest.
Simply cut back the plant and look for new growth close to the base of the plant.
Divide the root system and ensure you have new growth above ground and a healthy root system to plant.
You have two options with plants that need to be divided:
- choose to dispose of them or
- take the path of recycling
We prefer recycling and, every season, use recycled pots, soil, and biodegradable matter in our garden as well as cold and hot composts.
Composting is a great way to recycle organic matter. Learn all you need to know about composting in our article: 23 essential composting tips for beginners.
Checking if the pot plant is dead or alive
Before recycling, you should make sure that the plant is indeed dead. After all, pot plants that wilt and die down are not necessarily over.
Perennials treated the right way will, for example, come back again year after year, for instance, hydrangeas, geraniums, and agapanthus. Herbs such as rosemary and lemon balm will also lie dormant over winter but will return the following year.
If you are unsure, there are easy ways to check if a plant is dead or just dormant.
Start by scraping off the top layer of a branch and look at the color. If the inside is green, you have a live plant. You have a dead plant if the inside is brown, grey, or black.
New growth on herb plants that grew too big.
Cut back the plant and check for new growth at the base of the plant.
New sprouts may be tiny, but the color should be bright green.

If you can see new growth, you have a live plant. You need to look at the root system if there is no new growth.
Remove the plant from the pot and look at the root system.
A healthy root system is white or tan colored and looks plump and succulent. There is no foul odor.
How to save lackluster perennials?
The general rule is to bring your pots inside to protect perennials from frost and winter temperatures which can quickly kill them.
At the beginning of the winter, place your pots where they have light and a cool temperature.
Remove dead flower heads and leaves. Water until you see the water just beginning to run out of the bottom of the pot.
From now on, water sparingly only when the soil is dry. Do not give feed or fertilizer at all during the winter.
When spring comes, and the weather is at least 12 degrees Celsius (55 degrees Fahrenheit) outside, gently lift the perennial out of the pot and shake off the soil over an outdoor flower bed. Be careful not to damage the root system.
Wash the pot thoroughly with your garden hose to eliminate any pests. Place fresh new potting soil mixture into the pot. If you have a large, tight root system and the perennial has been in the same pot for at least two seasons, you may consider using a slightly larger pot now to give the roots more room to grow and develop.
Plant in new soil, pressing gently but firmly around the base. Trim off the previous year’s old stalks to make room for further growth. Water your plant, which is now in its new soil and pot for the coming season.
Move outdoors for a few hours each day for a couple of weeks. As your plant acclimatizes again to the outdoors, you can move them outside.
At this point, we recommend watering with an appropriate liquid feed; the extra nutrients will give the plant a good boost to start producing new leaves and flowers for the coming season.
Recycling pots and soil
But what do we do with dead annuals and perennials at the end of the season?
Composting annuals and perennials
Both annuals and perennials are cut into small pieces and added to the compost.
The one exception to composting organic materials will be if there are signs or evidence of pests and diseases. If so, it is crucial that both annuals and perennials are disposed of and destroyed to prevent further spread.
Recycling soil
Always make sure to reuse the soil. Remove the plant from the pot and shake it over a large container. Let the root system dry out if the soil sticks to the roots.
The soil you harvest will have lost most of its nutrients and structure. Nutrients and soil structure can be added or used for seed starting.
Ensure you bake the soil in a hot oven for 20 minutes before use to eliminate any lingering pests and diseases.
Yes, it is that easy.
Recyclable materials like plastic pots
Rinse and wash your pots thoroughly; they will serve you well for many more years.
Most gardening enthusiasts have stacks of pots made from plastic that is being used over and over. And you should treasure your pots regardless of size and material. There are good uses for pots of all sizes.
I, for example, have hundreds of recyclable starter pots in the range of 7-10 centimeters (3-4 inches). For me, they are valuable as I can try new things to plant or transplant without having to use a lot of potting soil.
And whereas I am more aware and strict with the materials I use today, I make sure to use the pots I already have repeatedly rather than creating more landfills and waste disposal sites.
Give your pots a new lease on life
We all know that buying new pots can be expensive. If you are tired of your old pots but spent a lot of money buying them several years ago, here are some ideas to give them a new lease of life by painting or stenciling them.
Some of the most charming gardens I have visited have been those with a personal touch. A collection of different colors and styles of pots can add an eclectic mix to your front porch or greenhouse.
Identify the type of material your pot is made of, then tell your local hardware shop what paint you need. You can do fun things with ceramic, glass, metal, terracotta, and plastic pots. Choose a color and get painting!
Try hand painting, stenciling, or using stamps of various designs to add a unique and personal feel to your garden space. When the paint is dry, remember to glaze your pots; they will last for years.
Recycle your pots when you are done with them
Sometimes we are just done with a particular pot or container. But instead of just throwing the pot in the trash, there are at least 3 ways to recycle your pots.
1. Talk to your friends and neighbors
Remember, other garden enthusiasts could be willing to take the pots off your hands.
2. Check with your local authorities
Today most areas offer to recycle plant pots for free. Where we live, the program runs in cooperation with the local waste disposal company.
3. Talk to your local garden center
Pot take-back programs are becoming more and more common. And if your local garden center does not offer such a take-back program today, do make sure to ask them why. A thrown pot is a wasted opportunity of growing beautiful plants.